Access to quality education is a fundamental right that lays the foundation for a brighter future, yet millions of girls around the world, including in Kenya, face numerous barriers to obtaining an education.

Kenya has made significant progress in increasing access to education for girls in recent years. However, there are still many marginalized girls who are unable to attend school or complete their education. 

Marginalized girls, particularly those from impoverished communities, often encounter significant challenges such as:

  • Poverty 
  • Gender discrimination
  • Child marriage
  • Disability
  • Cultural norms
  • Gender bias
  • Limited resources.

Luckily, there are a number of organizations that are working to support marginalized girls’ education in Kenya. These organizations provide a range of services, including scholarships, mentorship programs, and life skills training.

Which NGOs Support Girls Education?

Here is a list of some of the organizations that are supporting marginalized girls education in Kenya:

Aga Khan Foundation


The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, non-denominational, international development agency established in 1967 by His Highness the Aga Khan. AKF works in over 30 countries around the world to improve the quality of life of people in need, with a focus on women and girls.

In Kenya, AKF supports marginalized girls education through a variety of programs, including:

  • The Aga Khan Education Service, Kenya: AKES operates over 200 schools and early childhood development centers in Kenya, serving over 60,000 students. AKES schools are known for their high-quality education and their commitment to equity and inclusion.
  • The Aga Khan University: AKU is a world-class university with campuses in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. AKU offers a variety of scholarships and financial assistance programs to help students from marginalized communities afford a quality education.
  • The Aga Khan Development Network: AKDN is a group of over 100 agencies and institutions that work together to improve the quality of life of people in need. AKDN agencies in Kenya support marginalized girls education through a variety of programs, including:
  • The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP): AKRSP works with communities in rural Kenya to develop sustainable livelihoods and improve access to education and other essential services.
  • The Aga Khan Health Services, Kenya (AKHS): AKHS operates a network of hospitals, clinics, and community health programs in Kenya. AKHS provides quality healthcare to all, regardless of their ability to pay.
  • The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH): AKAH works to improve the living conditions of people in poor and marginalized communities. AKAH has built and renovated thousands of homes and schools in Kenya.

AKF’s programs are helping girls to get a quality education, develop life skills, and reach their full potential.

Put Her Best Foot Forward Africa

Put Her Best Foot Forward Africa promotes the empowerment of girls and women in Africa. They focus on three key areas:

  • Education: They work to increase access to education for girls and women, and to improve the quality of education that they receive.
  • Empowerment: They empower girls and women to make informed choices about their lives, and to reach their full potential.
  • Economic opportunity: They create economic opportunities for girls and women so that they can support themselves and their families.

They work to achieve goals through a variety of initiatives, including:

  • Advocating for policies and programs that support girls’ and women’s empowerment.
  • Providing scholarships and financial assistance to girls and women so that they can attend school and pursue their education.
  • Offering leadership training and skills development programs to girls and women.
  • Connecting girls and women with mentors and role models.
  • Promoting awareness about the importance of girls’ and women’s empowerment

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Amref Health Africa

Amref Health Africa is a non-profit organization that recognizes the interconnection between health and education. They implement programs that not only focus on healthcare but also address educational aspects, ensuring that girls have a conducive environment for learning and growing.

One of Amref’s key programs is the Girls’ Education Program. This program provides scholarships and financial assistance to girls from marginalized communities so that they can afford to attend school. 

Amref also works to address the specific challenges that marginalized girls face in accessing education. For example, Amref works to reduce child marriage and gender-based violence, which can prevent girls from attending school. Amref also works to improve access to safe water and sanitation, which can help girls stay in school.

FAWE Kenya (Forum for African Women Educationalists)

FAWE Kenya is a non-profit organization that works to promote girls’ and women’s education in Kenya. FAWE Kenya was founded in 1993 by a group of women educators who were committed to ensuring that all girls in Kenya have the opportunity to receive a quality education.

FAWE Kenya’s work is focused on four key areas:

  • Access: FAWE Kenya works to increase access to education for girls from marginalized communities. This includes providing scholarships and financial assistance, as well as working to address the specific challenges that marginalized girls face in accessing education, such as poverty, gender discrimination, and child marriage.
  • Retention: FAWE Kenya works to help girls stay in school and complete their education. This includes providing academic support, mentoring, and life skills training.
  • Performance: FAWE Kenya works to improve the performance of girls in school. This includes providing access to quality teachers and learning materials, as well as working to create a more supportive environment for girls in school.
  • Completion: FAWE Kenya works to help girls complete their education and transition to further education or employment. This includes providing career counseling and support services.

FAWE Kenya also works to advocate for policies and programs that support girls’ education.

Girl Child Network

Girl Child Network (GCN) is a non-profit organization that works to promote the rights and well-being of girls and women in Kenya. GCN was founded in 1999 by a group of women who were committed to ensuring that all girls in Kenya have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

GCN’s work is focused on four key areas:

  • Education: GCN works to increase access to education for girls from marginalized communities. This includes providing scholarships and financial assistance, as well as working to address the specific challenges that marginalized girls face in accessing education, such as poverty, gender discrimination, and child marriage.
  • Health: GCN works to improve the health and well-being of girls and women. This includes providing access to quality healthcare, as well as working to raise awareness about the health issues that affect girls and women.
  • Protection: GCN works to protect girls and women from violence and exploitation. This includes working to prevent child marriage, FGM/C, and other forms of violence against girls.
  • Empowerment: GCN works to empower girls and women to make informed choices about their lives. This includes providing leadership training, skills development training, and advocacy training.

Girls Not Brides

Girls Not Brides is a global partnership working to end child marriage and enable girls to fulfill their potential. In Kenya, they strive to create awareness and advocate for policies that protect young girls from early marriages, ensuring they can focus on their education.

Humanity & Inclusion

Humanity & Inclusion works towards inclusive education for children with disabilities, ensuring that marginalized girls with disabilities have equal access to quality education, and fostering their empowerment and integration into society.

HI’s work in Kenya has had a significant impact on the lives of people with disabilities and vulnerable populations. For example, HI has helped to increase access to education for children with disabilities and has provided vocational training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities. 

HI has also helped to promote the rights of people with disabilities and vulnerable populations and has supported people with disabilities and vulnerable populations to live independently and participate fully in society.

International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee supports education for displaced and vulnerable communities in Kenya. They provide educational opportunities, including teacher training and school infrastructure development, to ensure continuity in learning for marginalized girls.

Plan International

Plan International is an international development organization that works to promote children’s rights and equality for girls. Plan International works in over 70 countries around the world, including Kenya.

In Kenya, Plan International works to:

  • Improve access to education for girls.
  • Reduce child marriage.
  • Protect girls from violence and exploitation.
  • Empower girls to make informed choices about their lives.

Save the Children

Save the Children is committed to ensuring that every child, including marginalized girls in Kenya, has access to quality education. They work to improve learning environments, provide educational resources, and advocate for inclusive education policies.

Save the Children’s work in Kenya has had a significant impact on the lives of children. For example, Save the Children has helped to increase access to education for children, reduce child mortality, protect children from violence and exploitation, and empower children to make informed choices about their lives.

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF focuses on child protection, education, and health, striving to improve access to quality education for all children.

In Kenya, UNICEF works to:

  • Improve access to quality education for all children.
  • Reduce child mortality and malnutrition.
  • Protect children from violence, exploitation, and abuse.
  • Promote the rights of children with disabilities.
  • Empower girls and women.

UNICEF works with a variety of partners, including government, civil society, and the private sector. UNICEF also works directly with children and their families to provide support and resources.

World Vision

World Vision is an international Christian humanitarian organization that works to help children, families, and communities overcome poverty and injustice.

The organization works to improve access to education, reduce child mortality and malnutrition, protect children from violence, exploitation, and abuse, promote the rights of children with disabilities, and empower girls and women, World Vision is helping to create a better future for all Kenyans.

Camfed Kenya (Campaign for Female Education)

Camfed, a renowned organization, operates in Kenya, championing the cause of female education. They focus on providing scholarships, mentorship, and support to marginalized girls, enabling them to attend and stay in school, ultimately breaking the cycle of poverty.

ZanaAfrica Foundation

The ZanaAfrica Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to promote girls’ health, education, and empowerment in Kenya. 

ZanaAfrica Foundation was founded in 2007 by a group of Kenyan women who were committed to ensuring that all girls in Kenya have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

ZanaAfrica Foundation’s work is focused on three key areas:

  • Menstrual health: ZanaAfrica Foundation works to provide girls with access to menstrual hygiene products and education. This includes providing sanitary pads, underwear, and menstrual health education to girls in schools and communities.
  • Sexual and reproductive health: ZanaAfrica Foundation works to provide girls with access to sexual and reproductive health information and services. This includes providing HIV testing and counseling, family planning services, and counseling on sexual violence and abuse.
  • Life skills education: ZanaAfrica Foundation works to provide girls with life skills education so that they can make informed choices about their lives. This includes providing training on leadership, communication, and financial literacy.

Room to Read – Kenya

Room to Read is actively involved in enhancing literacy and gender equality in education. They work on improving reading skills and girls’ education, empowering them to reach their full potential through quality education and life skills development.

Akili Dada

Akili Dada is a nonprofit organization that supports the education of young African women, including those in Kenya. They offer scholarships, mentorship, and leadership development programs, equipping marginalized girls to become change-makers in their communities.

Kakenya’s Dream

Kakenya’s Dream is a non-profit organization that works to empower girls and women in Kenya. The organization was founded by Kakenya Ntaiya, a Maasai woman who was forced to drop out of school at the age of 14 to be married.

Kakenya’s Dream works to provide girls with access to education, leadership training, and mentorship. The organization also works to promote gender equality and social justice in Kenya.

Help a girl put her best foot forward in Africa

Help us empower girls and women in Africa to reach their full potential. Donate to Put Her Best Foot Forward Africa today and help us provide girls with access to education, leadership training, and mentorship.

Your donation will help us to:

  • Provide scholarships to girls from marginalized communities so that they can attend school.
  • Train girls in leadership and communication skills so that they can become leaders in their communities.
  • Mentor girls and provide them with the support they need to succeed.

Click here to donate to Put Her Best Foot Forward Africa! By supporting us, you are helping to create a better future for girls and women in Africa.