About us

Put Her Best Foot
Forward Africa

Put Her Best Foot Forward Africa is a US- based non-profit organization with offices in Nairobi, Machakos and Makueni in East Africa, Kenya. Our focus is to address the plight of the girl-child. We partner with the local schools, communities, organizations, and the government to provide educational resources, sexual and sanitary health, and job training skills to reach their full potential.

How did “Put her Best Foot Forward Africa” come into existence?

In October 2022 on my way from Washington, DC to Nairobi, Kenya, I encountered a young lady by the name Halima in Doha. Halima was warm and friendly. We sat down at one of the coffee shops at the airport where she let me in her life. She disclosed to me she was pregnant and jobless. She was working in Saudi Arabia as a house help and was now returning to Mombasa to take care of her unborn child.

Halima sounded desperate and wanted a way out. Her story sounded familiar. It was a young girl lost in a big world and only saw a bleak future ahead of her. She had dropped out of school and Saudi Arabia was her only hope, and here she was, pregnant and jobless. I promised Halima she would be in my thoughts and prayers. Halima is the inspiration behind the founding of the organization. Put Her Best Foot Forward Africa is giving hope to marginalized girls like Halima.

Put Her Best Foot Forward Africa is sponsoring needy girls, mentoring them throughout school and preparing them to conquer the world by realizing their dreams. Additionally, the Foundation focuses on sexual and sanitary health, justice, and support for girls from single parent families, promoting girls’ empowerment through skills training and protection from violence and abuse.

The Foundation gives the likes of Halima a second chance in life and reminds them missteps and background should not rubber stamp their future.

Mission Statement

To educate and empower the marginalized girl-child by providing free education and job training skills to realize their dreams.

How We Help

Support us

We are committed to helping the underprivileged girl child in Kenya to go to school and receive quality education. We believe that this will enable them to build a better future for themselves, their families and their communities.