Education is a powerful tool for personal and societal growth. However, in many parts of the world, including Kenya, girls have historically faced numerous barriers to accessing quality education. These challenges include cultural biases, economic constraints, and limited access to educational resources. 

Fortunately, technology has emerged as a transformative force in addressing these disparities and promoting girls’ education.

This article explores the crucial role of technology in breaking down barriers, improving access, and enhancing the quality of education for girls in Kenya.

What is Educational Technology (EdTech)?

Educational Technology, commonly referred to as EdTech, is the use of technology to improve teaching and learning. It can include various technologies, such as computers, software, mobile devices, and the Internet. EdTech can be used to deliver instruction, assess student learning, and manage classroom activities.

Edtech Tools and Applications

EdTech is a rapidly growing field, and there is a wide variety of EdTech products and services available. Here are some examples of EdTech tools and applications:

  • Online learning platforms: These platforms provide students with access to online courses, tutorials, and other learning materials.
  • Adaptive learning software: This software adjusts the difficulty of exercises based on a student’s individual progress.
  • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR): These technologies can be used to create immersive learning experiences that bring concepts to life.
  • Online quizzes and tests: These tools can be used to assess student learning.
  • Attendance tracking software: This software can be used to track student attendance.
  • Gradebook management software: This software can be used to track student grades.
  • Communication tools: These tools can be used to communicate with parents and students

What Is the Role of Technology in Enhancing Girls’ Learning?

Technology can play a role in addressing educational barriers and promoting girls’ education in the following ways:

Access to Information and Learning Resources

Technology can provide girls with access to information and learning resources that they would not otherwise have. 

For example, e-books, online courses, and educational apps can help girls learn at their own pace and in a way that is relevant to their interests. 

Additionally, teaching girls coding, software development, and digital skills equip them for future careers in the tech industry, breaking down gender barriers in the sector.

Remote Learning

According to Kepios analysis, Kenya’s internet penetration rate stood at 32.7 percent of the total population at the start of 2023, indicating the potential for online learning.

Technology can enable girls to learn remotely, which can be especially helpful for girls who live in rural areas or who have to miss school due to work or family responsibilities. 

There are a number of online learning platforms that offer courses and programs specifically for girls, such as the SheCodes Girls program and the Malala Fund’s Girls’ Education Programme.

Safety and Security

Technology can also be used to improve the safety and security of girls in school. 

For example, GPS tracking can be used to monitor girls’ movements and ensure that they are safe on their way to and from school. 

Additionally, school management systems can be used to track attendance and performance, which can help to identify girls who are at risk of dropping out.

Empowerment and Advocacy

Technology can also be used to empower girls and give them a voice. 

For example, social media can be used to connect girls with each other and with mentors and to share stories about their experiences. 

Additionally, technology can be used to advocate for girls’ rights, such as the right to education and the right to be free from violence.

Overcoming Distance Barriers

According to the World Bank, in 2019, Kenya had an average distance of 6.2 kilometers to the nearest primary school and 17.8 kilometers to the nearest secondary school, presenting significant obstacles for rural girls.

Online learning platforms allow students to learn from anywhere, regardless of their location. This is especially beneficial for girls who live in rural areas or who cannot afford to travel to a traditional school.

Enhancing Teacher Training

The high teacher-to-student ratio in Kenya highlights the need for more effective teacher-training methods to improve learning outcomes.

Kenya’s teacher-to-student ratio is not at par with UNESCO’s recommendations, highlighting the need for more effective teacher-training methods to improve learning outcomes.

Technology can be a powerful tool for teachers, but it is important to ensure that teachers are trained on how to use it effectively. This includes training on how to select and use appropriate educational apps and software, as well as how to integrate technology into their teaching practice.

Encouraging STEM Education

STEM education should start early, even in primary school. This will help to demystify STEM subjects and show girls that they can be successful in these fields.

As of 2020, only 27% of Kenyan women aged 25-64 had completed a tertiary education, with even fewer pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

The African Maths Initiative (AMI) implements initiatives like the African Science and Mathematics Initiative (ASMI), which utilizes technology to promote STEM education among girls. These programs expose girls to STEM subjects through interactive online platforms and workshops, helping to bridge the gender gap in these critical fields.

The Impact of Technology on Girls’ Education

There is a growing body of evidence that shows the positive impact of technology on girls’ education. 

Here are some of the ways in which technology can impact girls’ education:

Increased Access to Education

The proliferation of mobile phones and affordable data plans has made it possible for girls in remote and underserved areas to access educational content. Mobile phones can serve as a gateway to learning materials, allowing girls to study at their convenience and overcome geographical barriers.

Additionally, digital learning platforms provide girls with access to a wide range of educational resources, courses, and materials. This is particularly beneficial for those who might not have access to quality schools or who face cultural or social constraints that limit their mobility.

Improved Academic Performance

Technology allows for personalized learning experiences. Adaptive learning platforms, for instance, can tailor content to individual students’ needs and learning styles, which can enhance their comprehension and retention of material, ultimately improving academic performance.

Interest in STEM Subjects

Interactive digital tools and resources can make learning STEM subjects more engaging and hands-on. 

Virtual labs, simulations, and educational games in these fields can spark girls’ interest and curiosity, potentially leading to higher participation and achievement in STEM-related courses.

Flexibility and Convenience

Many girls face unique challenges, such as caregiving responsibilities and cultural expectations.

Technology allows them to balance these responsibilities while still pursuing their education. 

Online and flexible learning options can accommodate their schedules and circumstances.

.Data-Driven Insights

Educational technology often collects data on students’ progress and performance. This data can be used by educators and policymakers to identify girls who may be at risk of falling behind and to implement targeted interventions and support systems.

Global Reach

Technology does not recognize geographical boundaries. It can promote equality in access to quality education, allowing girls in rural or underserved areas to access the same educational resources as their urban counterparts.


EdTech can be designed with inclusivity in mind, addressing gender disparities in content and technology access. Efforts to create gender-sensitive content and ensure girls have equal access to devices and connectivity are critical steps in this regard.

Ways That Technology Can Be Used to Promote Girls’ Education in Kenya

Promoting girls’ education in Kenya through technology involves leveraging various digital tools and strategies to overcome barriers, enhance access, and improve the quality of education. 

Here are several ways technology can be used to advance girls’ education in Kenya:

  • Online Learning Platforms/E-Learning Portals: Create dedicated online platforms that offer educational content, video lessons, and interactive materials tailored to the Kenyan curriculum. These platforms can be accessible on computers and mobile devices, providing flexibility in learning.
  • Educational Apps: Develop mobile applications that cover a range of subjects and topics relevant to Kenyan students. These apps can include quizzes, exercises, and videos to make learning more engaging and interactive.
  • Digital Libraries, E-Books, and Digital Resources: Establish digital libraries with a wide array of e-books, articles, and educational resources. Ensure that these materials are available in local languages and culturally relevant.
  • STEM Learning Platforms: Promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education among girls through specialized online platforms. Offer STEM-related courses, projects, and interactive tools to spark their interest in these fields.
  • Virtual Labs and Simulations: Provide access to virtual science labs and simulations, allowing girls to conduct experiments and gain practical experience in subjects like physics, chemistry, and biology.
  • Adaptive Learning Systems: Implement adaptive learning systems that tailor educational content to individual girls’ needs and learning styles, ensuring they receive personalized support.
  • Virtual Classrooms: Facilitate real-time interactions between teachers and students through video conferencing tools. This enables remote learning and helps girls connect with educators and peers.
  • Online Mentorship Programs: Establish mentorship programs where girls can connect with female role models in various fields via video conferencing and online platforms. This can inspire and guide them in their educational and career pursuits.
  • Internet Connectivity Initiatives and Broadband Expansion: Advocate for the expansion of broadband internet access to rural and underserved areas, ensuring that girls in remote regions can benefit from online educational resources.
  • Mobile Computer Labs: Create mobile computer labs that can travel to remote areas, providing girls with hands-on experience with technology and internet access.
  • Accessible Technology: Ensure that all technology and online content are designed to be accessible to students with disabilities, including girls with visual or hearing impairments.
  • Leverage Social Media/Digital Awareness Campaigns: Launch online campaigns that raise awareness about the importance of girls’ education and the benefits of utilizing technology as an educational tool.

Challenges and opportunities

While technology has the potential to make a significant impact on girls’ education in Kenya, there are also a number of challenges that need to be addressed. One challenge is the digital divide, which means that not all girls have access to technology. Additionally, there is a need for more training and support for teachers and other educators on how to use technology effectively in the classroom.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of technology for girls’ education are clear. By addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities, technology can play a key role in promoting girls’ education in Kenya and around the world.

Examples of How Technology Is Being Used to Promote Girls’ Education in Kenya

Technology is being employed in various ways to promote girls’ education in Kenya, addressing challenges and enhancing access and quality of learning. Here are some examples:

  • SheCodes Girls program: This program provides free coding education to girls in Kenya. The program uses a combination of online and offline learning, and it has helped to train over 1,000 girls in coding skills.
  • Put Her Best Foot Forward Africa: A non-profit organization that provides education scholarships and job training skills to girls in Kenya. The organization uses technology to provide girls with access to educational resources and to connect them with mentors. Put Her Best Foot Forward Africa also works to raise awareness about the importance of girls’ education and to advocate for girls’ rights.
  • The Malala Fund’s Girls’ Education Programme: This program provides scholarships, mentoring, and other support to girls in Kenya who are at risk of dropping out of school. The program also uses technology to provide girls with access to educational resources and to connect them with mentors.
  • The Amref Health Africa’s AskDoki app: This app provides girls with information and support on sexual and reproductive health. The app is available in English and Swahili, and it has been downloaded by over 100,000 users in Kenya.
  • The Tracking the Girl app: This app tracks girls who have escaped female genital mutilation and child early and forced marriages, and helps to ensure their school retention and engagement in livelihoods.
  • The Technovation Challenge: This challenge is a global competition for girls who are interested in technology. Girls form teams to develop and pitch mobile app solutions to real-world problems. The Technovation Challenge has been held in Kenya since 2015, and it has helped to inspire and empower girls to use technology to make a difference.
  • Educational Websites/YouTube Channels: Educational sites like “Shule Direct” provide free video lessons and tutorials aligned with the Kenyan curriculum. These videos are easily accessible on smartphones and computers, enabling girls to learn at their own pace.
  • Africa Science and Mathematics Initiative (ASMI): ASMI uses online platforms and resources to promote STEM education among girls in Kenya. They offer virtual STEM camps, coding classes, and hands-on experiments, encouraging girls to pursue science and technology-related subjects.
  • Eneza Education’s Shupavu 291:Eneza Education created Shupavu 291, an SMS-based learning platform that provides educational content, quizzes, and support to students, including girls, through basic mobile phones. It offers a cost-effective way for girls in remote areas to access educational resources.
  • eLimu:eLimu is an educational technology company in Kenya that develops interactive, localized digital content for primary school students. They offer engaging learning apps that cover the Kenyan curriculum, including subjects like mathematics and science, making learning more enjoyable and effective.
  • The DigiSchool program: This program provides digital learning resources to public schools in Kenya. The resources include e-books, online courses, and educational apps. The program has been implemented in over 1,000 schools in Kenya, and it has helped to improve learning outcomes for girls.
  • The BRIGHT program: This program provides solar-powered tablets to girls in rural Kenya. The tablets are equipped with educational software and apps, and they are designed to help girls learn even when they are not in school. The program has been implemented in over 100 schools in Kenya, and it has helped to improve learning outcomes for girls.
  • The Code for Africa program: This program provides training in coding and other technology skills to girls in Kenya. The program is designed to empower girls and give them the skills they need to succeed in the digital economy. The program has been implemented in over 100 schools in Kenya, and it has helped to inspire and empower girls to use technology to make a difference.


Technology is a potent tool in promoting girls’ education in Kenya. From improving access to quality educational resources to empowering girls with digital literacy and STEM skills. 

While progress has been made, challenges persist, such as unequal access to technology and internet connectivity. 

To achieve lasting change, continued investment in technology-driven educational initiatives, combined with policies that address digital divides, is crucial. By harnessing the power of technology, Kenya can ensure that all girls have equal opportunities to access a quality education and unlock their full potential.

Support Girls’ Education in Kenya: Donate Today!

Put Her Best Foot Forward Africa is making a difference by providing education scholarships, job training skills, and access to mentors for girls in Kenya. Their use of technology has transformed the educational landscape for these girls, breaking down barriers and creating opportunities.

Your donation can help further their mission and ensure that more girls in Kenya have the chance to access quality education, mentorship, and a brighter future. By contributing, you’re not only changing lives but also supporting the advocacy for girls’ rights and education.

Click here to donate now and put her best foot forward in her education journey. Together, we can make a lasting impact on girls’ education in Kenya.

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